Valentine Day Special Relationship Rehab



And the Lord formed man 

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul … And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;  And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. Genesis 2

And they lived happily ever after … if only. Being in a marriage can be one of the most rewarding things in life … or for some, the worst.

If all is not working out for you, and even if it is, I just bought ‘Relationship Rehab’ by Barry Watson. I thought this to be a fitting gift for my girls on Valentines Day. Don’t laugh because I take relationships seriously and I think this book would be excellent preparation before getting into a long-term relationship.


The Ultimate Roadmap to Rescue and Revive Your Marriage or Dating Life in 90 Days!


For the next two days get your FREE copy from Amazon here.

Does your relationship seem miles away from where you idealistically imagined it would BARRY WATSON RELATIONSHIP REHABbe? Have the pleasant discussions you once had together been replaced with silence or continual arguments? Do you feel as if you and your partner have slowly drifted away from the love and romance you once shared?

If this is you, you aren’t alone! Many couples experience times in their relationship where they struggle to get along, and wonder whether the effort is worth the reward. The reality of life is that building a great relationship is a challenge! It takes a lot of skill and work to have a great relationship, and get it back on track when you have difficulties. Skills like this aren’t taught in school. Many times you are sadly left to find your own answers, or worse, learn from the pain of getting it wrong.

In this book “Relationship Rehab,” Barry Watson outlines a very practical approach to rescue and revive your marriage or dating life. This book is filled with many easy to apply tips on how you can avoid many common mistakes, and how to build the type of relationship you want. If your relationship is important to you, then this book will give you the confidence and skills to make it great.


This book is filled with wonderful advice for dating and married couples. There’s a free 90-day roadmap and coaching video and the book also includes a practical list of expectations couples can have of each other.

I find this list of expectations super useful and will share this with my children because to be able to find common ground to agree on, we need to be aware of the expectations that happen on a moment to moment basis.

What touched me most in this book is Barry’s eagerness and willingness to make his relationship work and make things happen. I was really moved by that.

I highly recommend this book to anyone in any kind of relationship, pre-during-after marriage because there are so many insights and practical steps given that even the most reluctant spouse may be won over to give it a try.


I was born and bred in New Zealand and are pleased to be an Amazon #1 Best Selling author. I am a fun loving ‘Kiwi’ who has a dry sense of humor and a contagious passion for life. My go-getter type attitude has helped many people realize their potential and achieve their personal goals. I am married to Nicola, my wife of 23 years, and together we have two children.

It’s the no nonsense and practical skills I’ve learned, that I would now like to share with you, either through my books, social media or in person. Whether the relationship you’re in right now is rocking, or on the rocks, my hope is that we can help you to become stronger and more fulfilled as a person and as a couple.

Please feel free to email me via the contact page on our website; You can also sign up to receive exclusive offers on upcoming books and helpful tips on how to build a great relationship. Thank you. :)”


Barry’s book is available from Amazon for FREE on Valentines Day and the next two days! So get your copy now!

And whilst you’re at it, check out Barry’s other books ‘Rock Solid Relationship: 7 Ways to Build Lasting Love That Will Take Your Marriage or Dating Life From Ho-Hum to Amazing‘ and, Strong Women In Bad Relationships: Dating & Marriage Advice for the Women Whose Man’s Behaving Badly.’


ABOUT THIS BLOG – We’re researching the truth of living forever according to GOD’s Holy Word; Sola Scripture. Popular opinion tells us that everyone who ‘believes’ and has ‘faith’ will go to heaven. Is this true? I decided to ask the prophets about the truth of it all. Be one of the first people to  claim your free kindle at my next book launch.

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