Thank you to so many people and one in particular. She helped me set up this site. Actually, that is not true, she did not help me set up this site, she set up the site for me, singlehandedly. The only help she got from me were grunts of disagreement and nods of approval. She proofreads and moderates for me, she provides pretty much all the artwork and sorts out all technical issues. Well, you get it, this site would not be up and running without her. So this is one big THANK YOU! to my wonderful helper who was born twenty-five years ago with a little help from me.
God made me to laugh, and she certainly helps to keep the laughter going!
Many thanks to SUPERWOMAN who sang this song so beautifully for my daughter.
My other daughter helped me in so many different ways that I cannot even begin to list them. Most the art work and music for my other sites and endaveours all came from her and with her help. As you can see, I am supremely blessed with my offspring and benefiting much from their creative talent.
Many thanks to Kim Norman for your wonderful rendition of ‘Do you wanna be my friend.’
I am immensely grateful and indebted to both my children for all their help, assistance and encouragement.
Other favourite people and sites
Nehemia Gordon and Keith Johnson
My family and I listen to Nehemia Gordon who is a biblical scholar and Keith Johnson from Biblical Foundations Academy who both inspire people around the world to build a biblical foundation for their faith. Their series Prophet Pearls is a treat and can also be listened to on iTunes.
Every now and then I find myself in the pews of Scumlikeuschurch for a good dose of reality checks from Greg just telling it as it is.
James Watkins
Just the other day I stumbled across James Watkins site and his hope and humour is kinda funny. I liked the excerpts I read about his book ‘Squeezing Good out of Bad.’
Christian Woman Magazine
Look what lovely graphics the Christian Woman Magazine come up with.
Geoff Dakin
Geoff is my favourite person for Joint and Muscle Repairs and all round good sort to boot.
Check out his site and his book, Amazon Bestseller THE BODY MECHANICS which is one of a kind and my favourite. Geoff’s system helps people to realign their body with a progressive and adjustable very gentle exercise regime from which I’m benefiting very much.
Most of us suffer from body misalignment one way or another and this is the first system that I have come across that very gently and systematically addresses the misalignment in a way that is manageable and makes A LOT of sense.
What about not progressing on with a particular exercise and only moving on once you’ve mastered it? How about doing extra exercises for the side which causes you more grief. Had you ever thought about that? Well, you don’t have to think about it, because Geoff did it for you and packaged it up so that in minimal time you can get very positive results.
Kathryn Springman
Kathryn Springman is another one of my favourite people. She is the author of the hugely popular, THE GOD SESSION. Her book will help you clear past trauma and encourage you to move on freely without carrying the burdens of the past with you.
But what really sets this book apart is that it utilises God’s Word to help you move on and will not only help you accomplish all of the above for yourself but will do this also for your family and other loved ones.
I was really pleased to come across Kathryn’s book because it gave me new perspective on some stubborn problems in my life.
Robyn Spooner
Robyn Spooner, Bestselling author of THE BENEFITS OF STRESS helped me realise that one does not always have to minimise stress. Sometimes we can eliminate stress altogether! I know… why not?
My life had evolved in such a way that the only options seemed to be to minimise my stresses. Robyn showed me that some stresses can be eliminated entirely. Woohoo!!
That made a huge difference in my life. Thank you Robyn!
Ian Banner
Another favourite person is Ian Banner, the author of Amazon Bestseller HOW TO HEAR GOD.
This delightful book is filled with personal anecdotes and directions of a devout man who clearly walks with God and would love nothing better than for others to do the same. I highly recommend this book for anyone who struggles to hear God’s voice in their life and also for us who can do with some fine tuning.
I discovered that Ian is the co-director of a charity in Uganda, called Forever Caring Homes. All the profits of his books are donated to the charity.