Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997) born as Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu.
Your story creates a legacy
Mother Teresa was just declared a saint. Why was that? Because she devoted her life to helping India’s poor, particularly those abandoned and discarded.
If it takes a life of total self sacrifice and miracles to be declared a saint by the Catholic Church; I’m not holding my breath.
But Mother Teresa sure made me think and evaluate my own life.
What about you? How will you be remembered?
Do you realise that your life is your story, is your legacy?
Think about it. What you do today, will be remembered by those around you forever after.
When I realised this, it scared the heck out of me.
This is what happened to me. I suffered pancreatic attacks and ruptured my appendix. After emergency admission to hospital by ambulance I spent a week on a drip. Due to septicemia and intolerance to antibiotics the doctors decided against an operation because an adverse outcome was seen to be too great. Eventually the doctors sent me home ‘to get better’ so that they could operate on me and take my appendix out.
Haha, I still have my appendix, praise the Lord!
I was laid up in bed, very sick for a very long time… how does nearly a decade of just lying in bed sound? A wonderful homeopath visited and prescribed Cleavers and Paragen.
I prayed. My daughters prayed. God heard me! I am now a #1 bestselling author of three books. Alleluia!
My time has not yet come but no one knows when that might be, When you come so close, it makes you think, so today, what is my legacy? Or what is it going to be?
Every day we live our legacy.
I now help people with food intolerances and allergies, and I help people live and leave their legacy by helping them launch their books. How good is that?
Everyone has something special to offer, sometimes we just lose sight of it in the daily hustle and bustle.
Feel free to re-blog this post and share with your friends so that they also can take a moment to think about what they want to be remembered by and start living that today.
Thank you Mother Teresa for being one of my role models.
Wishing you a blissful and purposeful day!
Love to hear in the comments what you intend your legacy to be. Be sure to include links to your website, book, blog etc.
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